Summer 2021
Our last week together :(
Tuesday - Water fight and ice pops
Monday - Performing our production - The plastic Pirates - to KS1 and Mrs Roberts (who have been in isolation for the past 10 day) and a bit of sport.
And the Year 6's got their levers hoodies - on the hottest day of the year!!! Next year is going to be a lot quieter without this lot!
Class 4 Curriculum Map Summer 2021 Parent Letter Sailing Letter
We have been busy, forest schools, speed bounce competition, starting a new poetry unit - The Highwayman- which has included an experience day of charcoal drawing, creating character or scene masks and researching highwayman. Great work everyone!
Class 4 have had yet another exciting and busy week. They had their first Orienteering lesson, the children learnt new skills by reading maps and keys to create 'Silly Hoop Faces'. There was lots of laughter, team working, problem solving, competitive spirit and fitness.
The second Forest School group, now known as the 'Woodland Wolves' experienced their first Forest School session. The weather definitely didn't dampen their enthusiasm to explore and play in the woods. There was plenty of den-building, creating weaving frames, learning new knots and getting to know the woodland environment.
In PHSE this week we created our own 'Relationship Web' to show how we are all connected to each other in some way and the class reflected on a person who is very special to them. And finally, they had their first Spanish lesson learning 'Greetings' and it was wonderful to have their Singing lessons return after such a long break.
WOW! What an absolutely fabulous fun-filled first Forest School session. The first group named themselves 'The Forest Foxes' had an incredible time exploring and creating in the woods as the sun shone down perfectly for us all. The session was jammed pack with activities which were all led by the children. We observed lots of laughter, problem-solving, team-working, resilience and risk-taking. The children were, den-building, climbing trees, chilling in a hammock, producing wonderful woodland art, learning types of knots, bug-hunting, just to name some of their activities.
On the walk back to school it was a delight to hear the children talking about the session with grins on their faces and were so disappointed that the morning went so quickly. We were so very proud of the children, they all understood and complied with the safety rules and their behaviour was impeccable. We just can't wait to take group 2 next week.
Thank you so much to Kathy Coward for volunteering, your support was appreciated, and you were fab!