Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School

The Church of England

Spring 2023

Click here to see our Spring Term Curriculum information leaflet.

Click here to see our Spring Term Welcome letter.


Easter Gardens



We were so lucky to have Becky from Groves come in to help us plant some Easter gardens as part of our RE lesson. The children placed a palm cross next to Jesus's tomb in their garden. They also made an Easter garden for St John's Church opposite the school so please go and take a look. 



Our focus in our literacy sessions will be Fairytales this half term.  

The Gingerbread Man was very popular and we used a story map to tell our own versions of the story, played a hot seating game where we got into character and answered questions, and used the gingerbread playdough to make our own gingerbread men.

And, of course .... baked some of our very own Gingerbread Men!  Luckily they didn't hop out the oven!


Chinese New Year 

This term we are enjoying stories from around the world and our visit to China has included learning about how Chinese New Year is celebrated.

We have made lucky money envelopes, written messages in our own play dough fortune cookies and had a go at dragon and lion dancing.  We learnt so much we were able to write our own book about it!




Firewise Visit

We were lucky to have Jon from Dorset Firewise to come and talk to us about Fire Safety.  We learnt some important rhymes to help us say safe.

'Matches, lighters, never touch,

They can hurt you very much'


'Get out, stay out, call 999.'