Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School

The Church of England

Sports Action in 2022-2023


Friday 23rd June – Sports Day.  The weather conditions were perfect.  Points are awarded for the events and are added to the score to see who will be the winner of this year’s Sports Day. We started our events with the annual Marathon where the KS2 children ran the Colmer’s Hill route and into school to be met by cheering crowds.  This year the race was won by Ollie (Y5) for the boys and Rosa (Y4) for the girls.  27 children took part – a record. 

Next, it was onto the daily dance before going into school.  From there we had the house group water obstacle race.  This was won by Comers.  A great event, full of teamwork and laughter.

In the afternoon, parents were invited to join us at Symene Field for the afternoon’s activities.  The house groups went around together, in their teams, from reception to year 6, all supporting and cheering each other on.  After these events, we had the traditional sprint and novelty races.   This year, we even had time for a parent and a teacher race.

The scores were collected from all the activities over the day and the winners were announced at the end.  Congratulations to Colmers – this year’s Sports Day Winners.

1st place – Colmers – 5588 points

2nd place – Ryeberry – 4715 points

3rd place – Langdon – 4047 points

4th place – Allington – 3602 points




2022-2023 will see lots of sporting opportunities for the children from across the school to participate in.  From inter-house events in school to participating against other schools in events such as the Tag-Rugby Festival and Colmers Run.

Handball Tournament

The Y6 Handball Team had a fabulous afternoon competing against 4 other Primary Schools. This was the first Handball tournament hosted by SJC School. The team played so well together and finished in 2nd place only losing one game against the winners of the tournament Bridport Primary. Well done to you all.

Colmers Run - Saturday 12th November

Colmers Hill Run – Saturday 12th November

A massive well done to all the runners who took part in this year’s cluster Colmers Run on Saturday 12th November.   The event had to be rescheduled from 5th November due to the monsoon-like rain on the day, but we had the most wonderful day and conditions for the run. Every single member of the team gave their all in the run – we could tell as they came flying across the finish line.  They could not have given more.  They have one incredibly proud and impressed teacher.

The results were as follows;

Girls – Daisy 7th, Rosa 11th, Poppy W 17th, Maddie 18th, Sara 19th.  The girl’s team came 5th.

Boys – James 5th, Felix 7th, Saul 12th, Izak 15th, Preston 29th.  The boy’s team came 2nd .

Well done everyone.

Tag Rugby Festival – Saturday 1st October

Well done to the Tag Rugby team who came 5th in the festival competition.  You all showed great sportsmanship in all your games.  Well done – you were truly amazing.