Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School

The Church of England


Our pupils’ backgrounds, our culture and our climate for learning provide the following drivers that underpin all areas of our curriculum, including science:

  • Initiative – which helps pupils to grow as independent learners, not dependant on adults to learn
  • Possibilities – which helps pupils to build aspirations and know available possibilities for their future lives
  • Environment – which helps pupils to understand and appreciate their locality which facilitates their relationship to the wider world
  • Creativity – which helps children express themselves through the arts and explore learning in a dynamic way.

We carefully balance the requirement for pupils to reach national expectations in core subjects with our wider curriculum aims of providing a full spectrum of thoughtful and enriching experiences. As much as we value the progress and fulfilment of our pupils academically, we strive to offer them a rich and varied science curriculum too. Alongside offering our children a carefully mapped progression of skills in science, we try to enable the children to practice and incorporate their scientific skills across other subjects; giving them the opportunity to express their learning in a variety of ways. As a result of this, our pupils thrive.

We aim to approach our science lessons as enquiries, based on the ethos and aims of the recently adopted Harmony Curriculum. Our science teaching and learning is rapidly developing as part of our work on this.

Harmony Curriculum

We have built our own curriculum around the principles of the Harmony Project.  Find out more about The Harmony Project here.

We teach children about the links between science, nature and themselves through the following principles:

  • Adaptation
  • Interdependence
  • Diversity
  • Health
  • Oneness
  • The Cycle


To find out more about science in the National Curriculum click here.


Science Long Term Plan 

 Our Science Development Plan

Our Science Policy

Progression of Skills Document

Progression of Knowledge Document


Science Day - 11`th December 2024

Who Stole the Mince Pies?

Click here to read about what we had to do to solve this terrible crime. 


Symondsbury Science week 20th November 2023

Wow! What a fabulous week we have had investigating all kinds of science. Every class have attempted to solve problems such as; how to build a strong paper bridge; which tin can contains the beans; how to make a rocket; how to light a bulb; making toothpaste; investigating materials and what it involves to be a vet. Huge thanks must go to vet Mrs Kahts, who enthralled and entertained all of the pupils on Wednesday with tales of unusual pets, greedy dogs and a very important cuddly toy surgery in Class 2. Well done to Year 5 who led an investigation into how to make a bulb light up with Class 1. Thank you to the governors who were able to support with experiments and thank you to all of the pupils who bought items in from home to share in class. We have all loved a week of curiosity and questioning.