Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School

The Church of England

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Class 1

Our highlight of the week has to be our trip to Washingpool Farm. It was a non stop day and we were so lucky the sun was shining. We had some important jobs to do. First, we fed the chickens and turkeys and collected the eggs. It was really interesting to spot how many different colours and sizes there were. The pigs were next on the list, we fed them some vegetables and learnt about how they use mud as sun cream and why they have flat noses. The cows were very interested in us and let us sit quietly and watch them through the gate. We noticed their cloven hooves, their ear tags and talked about what food comes from cows. In the afternoon we were able to have a dig in the field and see how good the soil is. The more worms you find, the better the soil is for growing... we found lots of worms! We visited the poly tunnels and saw lots of seedlings growing, almost ready to plant out in the field. We also planted some of our own seeds to take home. What a busy day!

Class 2

Class 2 have continued to learn about the Mesozoic Era and how our local landscape has changed and evolved over millions of years. We started our inquiry into fossils and were excited to open a suitcase full of the very finest fossil specimens, kindly loaned to us by the Beaminster Museum. We have been observing these precious treasures carefully and look forward to continuing our learning about a very famous local fossil hunter next week. In Maths, both year groups are exploring fractions and Year 2’s are doing a great job with their times tables. In Literacy, we've looked at verbs in the past tense. We wrote a piece to describe one very special dragon machine which popped, puffed and clattered along and are slowly beginning to understand why George the protagonist might be feeling unseen and unnoticed. In Science, we carry on with our pollinator friendly habitat creation and learn about the life cycle of plants. This week we have enjoyed reading The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl, and have tuned into Moonlight Sonata and Lark Ascending.

Class 4

Next week is SATs week for our Year 6’s. They have been working incredibly hard all year and we could not be prouder of them. They have taken on the Class 4 mantra to, ‘just do it & do your best’. They are ready. Next week, they will be tucking into a pre-test breakfast before the school will fall silent to allow them to focus. You got this Team Y6! While lots of revision has been going on for Year 6, the Year 5’s has been writing stories about their own Lost Thing. They have published their work and they look forward to sharing their stories with the other children. At lunch time, they took their completed stories out and read them to Class 1 & 2 while they had lunch. A truly magical sight! With the weather being so beautiful this week, we have taken the opportunity to try out some of the newer PE equipment. The Athletics equipment has been replaced and added too. This week we tried javelin, shotput, discus, and long jump. We had lots of fun and many house points were earnt for being able to jump a massive 2m from standing! Fingers crossed the sun stays out!!!

Class 1

Class 1 have worked really hard this week on creating some information leaflets for any tiny seeds who may be trying to find a place to bed down ready to grow. Linked to our text 'The Tiny Seed' by Eric Carle, advice has included: not falling in the sea, not being eaten by a bird and not flying too close to the sun! We have also been practising our collage skills to decorate these. We are really proud of how well they have turned out, great work Class 1! Our cress has also been ready to harvest and we have tasted some cress sandwiches - delicious!

Class 2

Class 2 This week we have learned that during the Triassic period, our Dorset was a desert! The children have been comparing what life was like in the different Mesozoic eras and sequencing them in chronological order. We've been palaeontologists in a dinosaur dig and learned to tell the timeline of our Earth by spreading our arms wide. We have received an exciting fossil box delivery from the Beaminster Museum and cannot wait to explore its contents next week! In Literacy, we've given George some advice on how to train his pesky dragons and continued to work on our watercolour dragon art. In RE we are exploring parables. The Prodigal Son made us reflect on forgiveness.

Class 3

Class 3 We’ve been learning more about our local history this week in Class 3 and discovering how the wider history of England fits in with significant events in Bridport’s timeline. We’ve been absolutely amazed by the prior knowledge and enthusiasm the children have already brought to this topic! The children really enjoyed a fantastic visit to Bridport Museum on Tuesday, where they had a go making rope using a traditional method to take home. In Literacy, the children have been demonstrating their knowledge of the local area by creating posters persuading visitors to come to our beautiful part of the world. In Maths, we are learning about time, including 24 hour and digital clocks. Ask your children to show off their new skills at home this week by telling the time!

Class 4

Class 4 In Class 4 they Year 6's continue their SATs countdown and make us proud everyday with their attitude to their learning and revision. The Year 5's are busy creating their own story based on the book The Lost Thing, and we cannot wait to have these finished and be able to share. We are continuing to learn about how medical history has changed overtime as well as listening to how to keep ourselves safe with a talk by the RNLI. We are so busy, our feet just do not seem to touch the ground



