Symondsbury Church of England VA Primary School

The Church of England

Global Learning

            You, me, us, everyone -
We are a school that believe we have the power to change the world!

'The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up the whole body.

So it is with the body of Christ.'

(1 Corinthians 12:12)

 As part of our curriculum intent, one of our drivers is to develop children's understanding of the environment, which helps pupil's to understand and appreciate their locality which facilitates their relationship to the wider world.

We work through 'We Day' and the UN 'Sustainable Development Goals' to help our children make our world a better place. 

We Day is an event that we have earned tickets for in the past 6 years by making a positive difference locally and globally.  We believe that small action x lots of people can make a big change and although we are a small school, we are mighty and we CAN make a difference! For example, we include random acts of kindness in our daily lives. Just think - if every single person was kind - what kind of world would we have?

As a result of our first experience of We Day in 2015, we developed our '100 Ways to Change the World' project.  We are currently on number 93 and have set ourselves an action plan to complete our 100 ways by the end of the summer term 2020.  This is all of us working together 'You, Me, Us, Everyone!'

To see a copy of the action plan please click here.

To see a copy of our 100 Ways to Change the World please click here

 As part of our global learning, 3 of our teachers will be embarking on a reciprocal visit to Kenya in May 2020 which will help our children understand the similarities and differences between their lives and that of Kenyan children in Gitare School, Kenya.

 We are working together with Connecting Classrooms and the British Council to develop a link with Gitare School and we are leading a cluster of 5 local schools with lots of exciting projects.  We are also always developing areas of our curriculum where we can further develop children's understanding of the world. 

To see a copy of our progression document for Global Learning please click here.