Autumn 2022
Welcome to Class 4’s Autumn 22 page. Here you will find lots of information about things that are happening and pictures of what we have been up to.
We are looking forward to a great year with this lot.
Autumn start of term letter and curriculum map.
How can I help my child further with their learning?
If you have any concerns about your child’s learning, please first contact the class team. We are always happy to chat through any concerns. Other things that you can do to support your child could include:
Times table practice – ensure that your child is fluent in times tables. All children have access to TT Rockstars. This is a great independent learning challenge for them. You could also make games up, have a family challenge, make posters, make mnemonics -talk to your child about how they want to learn them.
Reading – read with, and listen to your child. ask them questions about the text that they are reading. Set up a book club. Read the same book and talk about it. In class 4 we are deepening our understanding of the comprehension of the text and speed of reading.
Writing – shopping lists, letters, postcards, reviews. Work with them on their Creative Writing home learning tasks. Let them teach you all about the grammatical terms they know. See the road map in their Learning Log.
Spelling – investigate words, and spelling patterns, look at the year 3-6 common exception words. In class, we love to find where we can put them into our writing.
Letters Home
Residential Letter - deposite by 14.10.22
Tag Rugby (invited children only) - 1.10.22
Y6 Washingpool Farm Discover Farming Day - 28.9.22
Hi5 Netball (invited children only) 14.10.22
In the first two weeks back after half term ...
we have been busy. It's the Christmas Countdown. The production is in full swing and we are really enjoying our Titanic Topic. We also took time to remember those who had been killed or injured in war at the schools Rememberance Service.
Colmers Run - Saturday 12th November 2022
So proud of you all.
In week 5 we have .....
This week, we completed our space topic with our fabulous finish. The children really enjoyed completing their 'specialist' areas of research and then presenting it to the parents. The children particularly enjoy testing the parents on what they have learnt. Thank you to all of those that attend - we hope you enjoyed learning all about space.
In week 4 we have ....
This week has been very busy in Class 4. We have started to prepare for our Fabulous Finish next Wednesday, which means the classroom is a hive of activity as the groups produce their projects to show case their learning. On Monday, we had a visit from the PCSO to talk about keeping ourselves safe. A very interesting discussion was had about the experiences the children have already faced and how they can deal with these incidences.
In week 3 we have .........
visited Washingpool Farm for Meet the Expert Day. We were treated to four workshops all around the theme of farming and harvest. We met Nick from Dorset Wildlife Trust who walked about the importance of nature in farming and we discovered the diverse wildlife that lived around the ponds. Next, we went to the potato growing fields and learnt about the important job that soil does. Interesting fact, we do not have many potato farms in Dorset because the soil is not deep enough. We wrote a haiku with the team from Bank of Nightmares and Dreams based around harvest and farming. Finally, we got to do some seasonal cooking. We made pumpkin gnocchi with basil pesto. A very informative and fun day for all.
In week 2 we have .......
This week saw the start of Forest School again. The Year 6’s were the first group to go off for the new afternoon session. They came back to school with some interesting things that were apparently potions (and that I should keep my coffee in a secure place, just in case). They also used berries to make a dye. It is great to be able to be back in the woods. Meanwhile, back in school, the Year 5’s were very busy creating their own version of three famous star night pictures. In addition, in a very busy second week, many of the Year 5 & 6’s have completed Level 1 & 2 BikeAbility. Well done everyone, they all passed.